Demolition missed this point, though part of that is due to the vehicles in the Star Wars universe. The fun from Twisted Metal came from ramming cars together at high speeds and the plethora of weapons.
Taking the popular vehicle combat formula, developer Luxoflux simply put a coat of Star Wars paint over their own Twisted Metal rip-off series, Vigilante 8. At the time, Twisted Metal was the hottest thing and everyone wanted a piece of that action, including LucasArts. Star Wars: Demolition is what happens when one popular franchise tries to ape another, in this case Twisted Metal. Longtime fans of the epic sci-fi space opera can breathe a sigh of relief that none of these games on this list count for anything anymore. With Disney’s purchase of all things Star Wars, they’ve declared that everything outside of the main films up to the time of their purchase is no longer canon. It’s probably for the best if you don’t remember or know of those two actually. We all know and love Knights of the Old Republic, but how many of you remember Jedi Arena or Masters of Teräs Käsi. For everyone one good game in the series, there are three mediocre or terrible ones that go alongside it. Star Wars is no stranger to video games, though it’s certainly more familiar with the crap side of gaming. Among the deluge of (mostly) crap are video games. Everything from toys, shirts, novelty toilet paper, and probably even sex toys have carried the name of the movie set a long, long time ago. There has been a lot of Star Wars merchandise since the debut of the original Star Wars, later renamed Episode IV: A New Hope.